Tuesday, March 5, 2019

What is Pitru dosha and How is ones Ancestor’s Karma affecting his life?

A family is like a tree and every member of that family is like a branch of that tree. The strength of the branch is depending on the roots of that tree. Similarly, the life of the progeny depends a lot on the karma of the family and ancestors. To eliminate problems from one’s life permanently the person sometimes have to work on the roots, which means their ancestors. Working on the ancestors enables one to get rid of Pitru Dosha completely.

A lot of times the ancestors have gone through some traumatic incidents and their grief is still unresolved. Out of sympathy and loyalty, their progeny unconsciously takes on their karma inviting unnecessary issues in their life without even knowing what the result would be.

Divorce, migration, wars, acts of violence, early deaths, mat¬ernal deaths, abortion, miscarriage, diseases, fraud, etc all affect the family karma. The only way of healing these issues and coming out of these traps is Karma Healing and Karma Yoga.

Adding to this is the Family Healing which is specifically designed in a way that will help one to completely get rid of Pitru Dosha and resolve the issues of life bringing peace and happiness in the family.


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